Walla Walla Event Calendar
Community calendar of upcoming events
This is a calendar updated daily of upcoming local events during the coming days provided by the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council, and other contributors. Submissions for events can be sent to [email protected]. They should include the date, time, location, short summary of the event, a website and/or social media page for the event if applicable, if an admission fee is required, and a contact for people to obtain more information. Submissions are not guaranteed of inclusion and may be edited for length or content. The calendar is also published in the print editions of the Juneau Empire, and submissions for those should be received by 9 a.m. Monday for Wednesday’s paper and 9 a.m. Thursday for Saturday’s paper.

Big Band for the Little Kids, 9:30-11 a.m., Mendenhall Valley Public Library, 3025 Diamond Pk. Lp.

Crafts and free family concert designed to engage the kids with jazz music. The Kyle Athayde Dance Party will play jazz arrangements of nursery rhymes and popular kid songs. Crafts at 9:30 a.m., concert 10 a.m. For more information visit https://www.jazzandclassics.org/jazzfest, or contact Rachel Disney at (907) 463-3378 or [email protected].
Second Saturday Markets, 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Mendenhall Mall, 9105 Mendenhall Mall Rd #369.
For more information contact (907) 713-7011.
Saturday Staying Alive Al-Anon Family Group, 10:30 a.m-noon. Ḵunéix̱ Hídi Northern Light United Church, 400 W. 11th St. and via Zoom.
Offers support, strength and hope for families and friends of alcoholics. Group meets weekly. For information more information call (907) 957-1990 or visit https://al-anon-ak.org.
Jazz clinics, noon–3 p.m., Thunder Mountain High School, 3101 Diamond Pk. Lp.
Free jazz clinics open to the community. Each lasts an hour, from how to listen to jazz to technique classes on specific instruments. For more information visit https://www.jazzandclassics.org/jazzfest, or contact Rachel Disney at (907) 463-3378 or [email protected].
Gigi’s Drag Brunch, noon–2 p.m., TK Maguire’s, 375 Whittier St.
Featuring Lamia Monroe, Luke the Duke of Bell and brunch baby Dyanne Dystopia. Showtime is 12:30 p.m. Seating is limited and first come, first served, most tables seat four guests. For larger groups email [email protected] in advance. While this show is not 21+, there are frequent references to alcohol and adult language. Tickets at HTTPS://bit.ly/GigisDragBrunch. For more information visit Facebook.com/GigisDragBrunch or contact [email protected].
Manifesting 101: Everything you need to know, 1 p.m., Mendenhall Valley Public Library, 3025 Diamond Pk. Lp.
What is manifesting? Session teaching what it is, how to do it properly and the science behind why it works. Free, show up all weeks or any weeks. For more information contact [email protected] or (907) 723-6305.
Weaving Our Pride, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Zach Gordon Youth Center, 396 Whittier St.
Weaving Our Pride is a collaborative youth-mentor weaving project. Youth 12+ of all identities are invited to come learn how to weave and participate in creating a Ravenstail and Chilkat ceremonial robe in Pride colors. The robes represent the spirit of Pride and will be available to wear by youth only for special ceremonies like graduation, coming-out parties, Celebration, etc. For more information visit https://www.lilyhope.com/weavingourpride, or contact Lily Hope at [email protected] or Rachel Disney at (678) 863-2043. Also, every Wed.-Fri. 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Alaska CHARR Saturday Finale, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Thunder Mountain High School, 3101 Diamond Pk. Lp.
Part of first annual Juneau Jazz Fest. Lineup: 5:30 p.m. – Juneau-Douglas High School: Yadaa.at Kalé Jazz Band; 5:50 p.m. – Hot Club of Juneau; 6:10 p.m. – Juneau Big Band; 6:30 p.m. – Last Word Combo; 6:50 p.m. – short intermission; 7 p.m. – Kyle Athayde Dance Party.
Valentines Acrylic Date Night/Paint Night, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Bloom Children’s Art Studio, 9105 Mendenhall Mall Rd.
Enjoy a date night with your partner and create a dual canvas aurora scene. No art experience required. Paint supplies, step-by-step instructions and snacks provided. Bring your favorite beverage. Registration and payments for two at http://tinyurl.com/45ayzs8j. For more information contact Talea Kellar at (907) 660-7455 or [email protected].
Yoga for 12-Step Recovery, 5:30-7 p.m., Auke Bay Yoga, 11798 Glacier Hwy.
This model originated with Alcoholics Anonymous, and can serve anyone working through addiction recovery. The format of Y12SR is 90 minutes split into a 45-minute 12-step recovery meeting and a 45-minute themed yoga practice guided by the breath. Suggested donation of $25, but no one is turned away for inability to pay. Please register through the Auke Bay Yoga website at https://www.aukebayyoga.com/yogaforrecovery. For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected].
Brews & Brushes: Lovers at Sunset, 7-9 p.m., The Alaskan Hotel & Bar, 167 S. Franklin St.
This “couples night” watercolor workshop is for creating a winter sunset scene, complete with a pair of lovers if desired. Materials provided. Drinks available for purchase through the Alaskan Bar. No outside food or drink permitted in the bar. Adults only workshop and no minors are permitted in the bar. For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/littlecabinstudios or https://littlecabinstudios.square.site/s/shop, or contact Ashley Swinton at [email protected].
Juneau Piano Series: Kyle Farley-Robinson & Jia Jia Maas, 7-9 p.m., Juneau Arts & Culture Center, 350 Whittier St.
Recitals by some of the top pianists throughout the year, curated by Jon Hays. These recitals will be on the community’s Wilhelm Schimmel piano. Ticket prices: $25 general, $20 senior, $10 student. Tickets will be available for $5 more at the door. Tickets at https://jahc.na.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/16352. For more information contact (907) 586-2787.
Jazz Jam, 9-11 p.m., Red Dog Saloon, 278 S. Franklin St.
Casual jam session with local musicians and members from the Kyle Athayde Dance Party. Finale to first annual Juneau Jazz Fest. All musical abilities are welcome and encouraged to play or come out to support your neighbors as they jam with professional musicians. Free. For more information visit https://www.jazzandclassics.org/jazzfest, or contact Rachel Disney at (907) 463-3378 or [email protected].
Vinyasa Yoga with Tammy, 10-11:30 a.m., Rainforest Yoga, 171 Shattuck Way #202.
Vinyasa is a flowing yoga style that unites breath with movement. Modifications will be presented for newer practitioners and more experienced yogis can explore more difficult variations. Class rates at www.rainforestyoga.org. For more information contact [email protected].
Taichi Class, 10-11 a.m., Salmon Creek Health Center, Lemon Creek.
Scheduled Sundays through March 31. Learn the first eight movements of Yang 24 Taichi in this three-month class, experiencing the traditional aim of Taichi which is to find within oneself a still point in a universe of activity. Learn also how individual Taichi movements may be used as qigong exercises to connect body, mind and breath. For more information contact Glen Ray at [email protected].
Watercolors with Hollis, noon–1 p.m., Davis Gallery.
An in-person, three-part watercolor course, taking place over three weeks. Limited space to ensure one-on-one assistance. Tickets at https://www.holliskitchin.com/product-page/basics-of-water-color-course. For more information contact Hollis Kitchin at [email protected].
Second Sunday Poetry Jam, 2-4 p.m., Goldtown Theater.
Indulge in the rhythmic tapestry of words, emotions, and stories as talented poets from Juneau gather to share their and others’ verses. No cover, donations welcome. Scheduled monthly through May. For more information contact [email protected].
Traditional Celtic Music Session, 4-6 p.m., TK Maguire’s, 375 Whittier St.
Play or listen to traditional Celtic music played on acoustic instruments. Sessions follow the traditional etiquette for Irish music sessions. Free to the public. For more information contact Tony Yorba at (907) 209-9946 or email [email protected].
International Folk Dance, 4-5:45 p.m., The Alaska Club Juneau Downtown, 641 W. Willoughby Ave. #210.
For dancers of all ages and skill levels. Program is a mix of teaching and requests of dances from around the world. No partners are required and no charge for participation. For more information visit www.jifdancers.org, or contact Bruce Botelho at (907) 723-9999 or [email protected].
Restorative Yoga, 4:30-6 p.m., Rainforest Yoga, 171 Shattuck Way #202.
Class limit 10. Reserve spot at rainforestyoga.org.
Free Show: Two Small Pieces of Glass, 6–7 p.m., Marie Drake Planetarium, 1415 Glacier Ave.
Intended for audiences of all ages, the show explores the wonder and discovery made by astronomers throughout the last 400 years. No signup needed. Movie made for ages 14 and older, but anyone may attend. We will also share Juneau’s Night Sky or Space News. For more information contact [email protected].
Beginning Tai Chi Series taught by Jane Stokes, 3-4 p.m., Rainforest Yoga, 171 Shattuck Way #202.
Six-week series. For more information visit www.rainforestyoga.org.
Yin Yoga with Brett, 5:30-7 p.m., Rainforest Yoga, 171 Shattuck Way #202.
This holistic yoga class will integrate somatic awareness, mindful asana and restorative practices. By practicing compassionate witnessing awareness, over time participants will strengthen inner listening, cultivate intuition, practice integrity, and nurture a safe, steady inner landscape. Appropriate for all levels of practitioners. For more information visit www.rainforestyoga.org or contact [email protected].
Juneau Jazz & Classics: An Evening of Romance, 7-9 p.m., Juneau Arts & Culture Center, 350 Whittier St.
Danielle Talamantes, soprano, accompanied by composer and pianist, Henry Dehlinger. Bar offers fine wines, champagne and beer donated by the Alaskan Brewing Co. Program includes songs and poetry by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924), Joaquín Turina (1882-1949) Elizabeth Brittany Boykin (1989 -), Duke Ellington (1899-1974), James Joyce (1882-1941), Maya Angelou (1928-2014) and Henry Dehlinger (1966 -). For more information visit www.jazzandclassics.org, or contact [email protected] or 907-462-3378.
Free Tai Chi classes for ages 60+, 11 a.m.-noon, St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, 9055 Atlin Dr.
This free series of Tai Chi classes is being offered by Southeast Senior Services to those age 60+. Learn the practice of Tai Chi from a certified instructor during an eight-week series of twice-weekly classes. Tai Chi improves strength and balance and reduces the risk of falls. The program is made possible by a grant from the state Department of Health. Registration is required. Call (907) 463-6113 to register or for more information.
Art for Self Care, 5-6:30 p.m., 418 Harris St., #315.
These are groups designed to promote self care using a variety of art activities. For adults to help relieve anxiety, depression and stress especially during the winter months. For more information contact Shawn Hatt Cohen at (907) 321-5414.
Beginning and Advanced ESL Classes, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Mendenhall Valley Public Library, 3025 Diamond Pk. Lp.
Beginning ESL classes offered from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Advanced ESL classes offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Both classes are free. For more information visit The Learning Connection website at https://tlcalaska.org/english-language-learning-citizenship or call (907) 586-5718 for more information.
Brews & Brushes: Galentine’s Night, 7-9 p.m., The Alaskan Hotel & Bar, 167 S. Franklin St.
A “Galentine’s night” watercolor workshop creating up to five ready-to-gift Valentine’s Day cards. All drinks will be available for purchase through the Alaskan Bar. No outside food or drink is permitted in the bar. Please also note this is an “adults only” workshop and no minors are permitted in the bar. For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/littlecabinstudios or https://littlecabinstudios.square.site/s/shop, or contact Ashley Swinton at [email protected].
Jazz Jam, 8-11 p.m., Crystal Saloon, 218 Front St.
Open jazz jam. Free entry. Bring your instrument and join local musicians onstage. For more information visit crystalsaloon.com or contact David Elrod at [email protected].
Chair yoga, 11 a.m., AHFC Mountainview Senior Center, 895 W. 12th St.
Certified instructors for half-hour sessions. No fee. Classes are low-impact, healthy stretching for those over 60 years of age. For more information call Aria at (907) 463-6175.
Weaving Our Pride, 3:30-7:30 p.m., Zach Gordon Youth Center, 396 Whittier St.
Mindful Movement & Meditation with Bev Ingram, 4-5:30 p.m., Rainforest Yoga, 171 Shattuck Way #202.
This four-week mini series during the month of February will focus on the Brahma viharas (cultivating the qualities of a boundless heart). Incorporates mindful movement, yoga postures and breath awareness to help settle the mind for meditation. Classes can be attended individually and are suitable for all levels of practitioners. For more information visit www.rainforestyoga.org or contact [email protected].
Connections Peer Support Group, 5:30-7 p.m., NAMI Juneau office in the Teal Street Center at 8711 Teal Street, Ste. 200.
Weekly peer support group open to any adult in Juneau who wants to talk about their own mental health. The group is designed to connect, encourage and support participants using a structured support group model. No need to register and no commitment, drop in as it fits in with your schedule.
Stress Free Art Night — Printmaking & Valentine’s Day Cards, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Juneau Arts & Culture Center, 350 Whittier St.
Monthly open studio event at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center. Each month features a different theme, with supplies and materials provided. Come with a project in mind or try one of the sample projects available at the event. Participants can take creations home or leave them behind — items that meet the size requirements will be donated to the Free little Art Gallery hosted by the Juneau-Douglas City Museum, or used as examples of projects for the next year. Suggested donation of $5 per person or $10 for a family. Donations are used to purchase materials for the next Stress-Free Art Night. For more information visit https://www.jahc.org/season-events/stress-free-art-nights or contact (907) 586-2787.
Duplicate Bridge, 6 p.m., Fireweed Place, 415 Willoughby Ave.
Weekly event. Contact Toni at (907) 209-9809 with questions and for information about where to park and how to get into the building.
Free Tai Chi classes for ages 60+, 11 a.m.-noon, St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, 9055 Atlin Dr.
Pickleball @ the JACC, noon-2 p.m., Juneau Arts & Humanities Council, 350 Whittier St.
Heart Matters, 12:15-12:45 p.m., online.
A free 29-day program by SEARHC starting Feb. 1 during National Heart Health Month. Focus is building lasting heart-healthy habits, with weekly prizes and expert support from SEARHC health educators, registered dietitians and others. Sign up at www.searhc.org/heartmatters. For more information contact SEARHC Health Educator Kate Grumbles at [email protected] or (907) 966-8785.
Weaving Our Pride, 3:30-7:30 p.m., Zach Gordon Youth Center, 396 Whittier St.
Weaving Our Pride is a collaborative youth-mentor weaving project. Youth 12+ of all identities are invited to come learn how to weave and participate in creating a Ravenstail and Chilkat ceremonial robe in Pride colors. The robes represent the spirit of Pride and will be available to wear by youth only for special ceremonies like graduation, coming-out parties, Celebration, etc. For more information visit https://www.lilyhope.com/weavingourpride, or contact Lily Hope at [email protected] or Rachel Disney at (678) 863-2043. Every Wed.-Fri. 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Pickleball @ the JACC, 2-4 p.m., Juneau Arts & Humanities Council, 350 Whittier St.
Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Open House, 5-6 p.m., Michael J. Burns Building, 3rd floor of 801 W. 10th St.
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will be hosting an open house at our Juneau headquarters, welcoming legislators, staff and the Juneau community. APFC manages and invests the assets of the Fund; APFC does not administer the dividend program. The event will include office tours and light appetizers. No tickets necessary. For more information visit apfc.org.
TOPS Club (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly), 5-6:15 p.m., Juneau Public Health Center, 3412 Glacier Hwy.
Purpose is to help and support members as they take off and keep off pounds sensibly. Weigh-in at 5 p.m., group program at 5:15 p.m. First meeting is free. More information at www.tops.org.
Cycle Alaska February Bike Adventure Series, 5:30-7 p.m., Cycle Alaska, 1107 W. 8th St.
Doug Woodby discusses riding the Palouse to Cascade Trail across Washington State. This presentation will feature the beauty and challenges of riding the PTCT across Washington on a weeklong ride completed last October. Highlights include a two-mile tunnel and the recently refurbished Beverly Bridge across the Columbia River. For more information visit https://www.cycleak.com/articles/upcoming-events-pg175.htm or contact Cycle Alaska at (907) 780-2253.
Family Support Group, 5:30-7 p.m., 8711 Teal St.
Meets the first and third Thursday of the month the NAMI Juneau office. This group is open to any adult in Alaska who has a loved one living with a mental health condition, regardless of diagnosis. The group is designed to connect, encourage and support participants using a structured support group model. No registration, free drop-in support group. For more information visit namijuneau.org, or contact Meryl at (907) 463-4251 or [email protected].
Hatha Yoga with Kiley, 6-7 p.m., Rainforest Yoga, 171 Shattuck Way #202.
An all-levels class with a focus on the mind-body connection. A safe space to attune to your body and release tension from the week. Special attention will be put on to foundational level poses to build strength and understanding of yoga. All levels, mindsets and bodies welcome. For more information visit www.rainforestyoga.org or contact [email protected].
Celebrate Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Juneau-Douglas City Museum, 114 W. 4th St.
The film titled “For the Rights of All: Ending Jim Crow in Alaska” will be playing and Elizabeth Peratrovich scavenger hunt booklets will be available at the front desk. Participants may use the booklet to find and record information about Elizabeth Peratrovich located in the museum’s permanent exhibits, and collect a notecard designed by Crystal Worl when complete (this activity is best for older youth but younger children can complete it with adult help). Arts-integrated local classroom projects honoring Elizabeth Peratrovich’s contributions to civil rights in Alaska will be on display, and free copies of the book “In Sisterhood: The History of Camp 2 of the Alaska Native Sisterhood” will be available.” For more information visit juneau.org/museum or contact Elissa Borges at (907) 723-5429.
Free concert on the historic Kimball Theatre Organ, noon, State Office Building, eighth floor lobby.
J. Allan MacKinnon plays Feb. 9 and 16, and Laurie Clough plays Feb. 23.
Weaving Our Pride, 3:30-6:30 p.m., Zach Gordon Youth Center, 396 Whittier St.
Breathwork with Cindee, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Rainforest Yoga, 171 Shattuck Way #202.
For more information visit www.rainforestyoga.org or contact [email protected].
A Felicidade Jazz Quartet, 6-8 p.m., Crystal Saloon, 218 Front St.
The A Felicidade Jazz Quartet, with Heather Mountcastle on vocals, performs a mix of bossa nova and deconstructed pop classics. Free. For more information contact [email protected].
Fireside Lecture: Suzie Teerlink (NOAA) “Tales of Tails: How fluke patterns and blubber bits allow us to track the health of Juneau whales,” 6:30-8 p.m., Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center, 6000 Glacier Spur Rd.
Suzie Teerlink presents an overview of the local humpback whales and explores ways in which to safeguard them. Lecture starts at 7 p.m. For more information contact MGVC at (907) 789-0097 or [email protected].
Juneau Piano Series: Jon Hays, 7-9 p.m., Juneau Arts and Culture Center, 350 Whittier St.
Piano recitals by some of the top pianists throughout the year, curated by Jon Hays. Performed on the community’s Wilhelm Schimmel piano.
Part I Alaska in the Crosshairs, 7-9 p.m., University of Alaska Southeast Egan Lecture Hall.
Join author of “Firecracker Boys” Dan O’Neill as he recounts Alaska’s nuclear disaster near-miss in “Operation Chariot.” For more information visit www.akhopecongress.org or contact KJ Metcalf at (907) 500-2894.
“Indecent” by Paula Vogel at Perseverance Theatre, 7:30-10 p.m., 914 3rd St., Douglas.
Set in the early 20th century, “Indecent” follows the true story of Sholem Asch’s controversial play “God of Vengeance.” As this groundbreaking Yiddish work journeys from the stages of Europe to Broadway, it faces censorship and fierce opposition due to its lesbian protagonists. Through ensemble storytelling and evocative live music, “Indecent” explores the persecution of artists and the undeniable impact of work that pushes the boundary. Shows Fridays through Sundays until March 3. Tickets at https://www.ptalaska.org/ticketing. For more information contact [email protected] or (907) 364-2421.