Waco Calendar Of Events
Community Calendar of Events
Feb. 17—Odyssey 2024 Challenge

Through April 15th
Contact: Frances Smith, President of CCFoPH, 541-297-0841 The Coos Odyssey 2024 challenge starts January 1st and goes through April 15th. The Coos County Friends of Public Health is hosting this fundraising event, and registration is now open at www.ccfoph.org. It’s a fun way to achieve fitness goals in the New Year. Participants “race” around Coos County, and track their actual exercise activities on the virtual route of 229 miles. Miles can be counted for many types of activities, e.g., walking, biking, running, swimming, pickleball, bowling, and dance. Joining a team with friends, family or colleagues can help with motivation to maintain daily exercise and finish the course. Cost to participate is $25 (plus a $2.50 signup fee), and the proceeds will help Coos County families in need through the Nurses’ Purse fund at Coos Health and Wellness. The sponsors supporting this fundraising event are Banner Bank, First Community Credit Union, NW Natural, Bigfoot Beverages, Advanced Health, 7 Devils Brewing Co., Wild Coast Running Co., Blue Ridge Strategies, Eva and Steven Shimotakahara, South Coast Striders, and the Coos History Museum.

5-6 p.m., February 1p; 10:30-11:30 a.m., February 17
Via Zoom (February 1); at Coos Bay Public Library (February 17)
The orogram is for those who wish to practice their Spanish conversational skills and help other learners in a friendly setting. Attendees will have the opportunity to converse in Spanish as a group for one hour in a casual, informal environment. This is NOT a class, but we will provide ideas for conversational topics. Beginners are welcome. Let’s talk! This program is FREE and open to anyone who wishes to sharpen their Spanish conversational skills. Register for Thursday Zoom sessions @ https://bit.ly/3bihvqB
Nature Journaling on Saturday Mornings
10-12 pm, February 3rd & 17th John Topits Park (Hull St. entrance)
10-12 pm, February 10th & 24th Mingus Park Gazebo & Stage
Nature Journaling on Saturday Mornings (10 am to Noon) January 6 & 20: Mingus Park Gazebo & Stage, Jan. 13 & 27: South Slough Visitor Center, Feb. 3 & 17: John Topits Park (Hull st. entrance), Feb. 10 & 24: Mingus Park Gazebo & Stage Join us in nature journaling-based activities focused on local ecosystems, watersheds, and nature exploration! This is an extremely effective and engaging way to build observation skills, curiosity, and creative thinking. Led by AmeriCorps member, Ashtin Bowden, who delivers the Estuary Explorers after-school program in Coos Bay and North Bend. Bring a journal or make one with us. Slough Reserve will be featuring specially licensed nature films on the big screen with popcorn followed by guided nature hikes. Attend either programs or just one -your choice!
First Tuesday Talk
6-7 p.m., February 6
Coos History Museum
Join 90-year-old author Lionel Youst as he recounts his years as a tramp logger during the last days of the storied logging camps up and down the West Coast. This program will be hosted in-person at the Coos History Museum with an admission price of $7 for non-member adults, $3 for youth, or FREE for CHM members. Doors open at 5:30 pm with time to explore the museum. Pre-registration is encouraged. Reservations can be made online https://cooshistory.org/event-registration/, by phone at 541-756-6320 or register in person at the museum’s front desk. Walk-ins are welcome for all Tuesday Talk programs!
Stories behind the Names: South Coast Geography
Through February
Coos History
Our ever-popular Winter Class is back in 2024! After a one-year hiatus, The Coos History Museum will be hosting its winter class. This 8-week lecture series “Stories behind the Names: South Coast Geography”, will take place every Monday evening at 6:30 pm-7:30 pm from January 8th-February 26, 2024. Join Steve Greif on Monday evenings at the Coos History Museum for a deep dive into the interesting origins of local place names in Coos County. The course will offer a look at local history centered on geographic themes and the stories behind local place names. About our presenter: Steve Greif is a retired North Bend High School teacher that has written a history of North Bend High as well as a two-volume U.S. History text for students. He is a volunteer at the Coos History Museum and is extremely knowledgeable on local history topics. This program will be hosted in-person at the Coos History Museum with an admission price of $75 for CHM Members and $80 for the general public. This price covers the entire course of eight sessions. All proceeds support the Coos History Museum’s Annual Fund.
Pre-registration is required as space is limited for this popular program. Reservations can be made by phone at 541-756-6320 or register in person at the museum’s front desk. Established in 1891, The Coos County Historical Society is an Oregon 501(c)3 not for profit organization and the 2nd oldest historical society in the State. For more information about the Society and the Coos History Museum, visit cooshistory.org or email [email protected].
Lego Building Program
12-1:30 pm,
February 3rd
& March 2nd
Coos Bay
Public Library
Looking for a rainy-day activity? This winter, the Coos Bay Public Library will offer a series of building programs using Lego® building blocks. The program will be offered the first Saturday of every month (January 6, February 3, and March 2) from 12:00pm until 1:30pm. Participants will use the library’s brick collection to create. All children under the age of twelve must be accompanied by an adult. For additional information about programs being offered by the Coos Bay Public Library please contact the library by calling (541) 269-1101 x 3606 or visit the library’s website at https://www.coosbaylibrary.org/.
Coos Bay/North Bend Parkinson’s Support Group
1-2:20 pm,
February 8th,
March 14th &
April 18th
Coos Bay
Public Library
The Coos Bay/North Bend Parkinson’s Support Group has moved its monthly meeting to the Coos Bay Public Library, Myrtlewood Room, 525 West Anderson Avenue, Coos Bay. The support group meets on the second Thursday of each month from 1:00 — 2:30 and is sponsored by Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon (PRO). Local contact information: Aaron — 541.808.1336. Learn more about PRO’s services at www.parkinsonsresources.org
Wine and Cheese Festival
11 a.m.-7 p.m.,
February 17;
11 a.m.-4 p.m.,
February 18
Bandon Fisheries Warehouse.
Will include vendors, live music featuring wineries, breweries, cider, cocktails, fresh seafood, cheese & chocolate.
Introduction to Crabbing
10-11:30 am,
February 21st
South Slough
Introduction to Crabbing January 13 (11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), January 24 (10:00 to 11:30 a.m.), February 21 (10:00 to 11:30 a.m.) Come learn about the amazing life cycle of crabs, their importance to the local economy and the various techniques for capturing this delectable Crustacean. Dress for the weather and meet at the Charleston Visitors Center. [Max-12] FREE
Clamming Workshop
10-12 pm,
February 17th
South Slough
Clamming Workshop February 17 (10:00 a.m. to Noon) This family-friendly workshop will focus on the invasive Purple Varnish Clam. Knowledgeable instructors will teach you proper digging techniques and, being quite tasty, how to use them in a variety of clam based recipes. Pre-registration is required, and everyone age 12 and older will need to purchase an Oregon shellfish license online or at a sales agent: (Walmart or ODFW office, etc.) in advance of the class. Meet at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife office in Charleston. [Max — 20] Free but registration is required.
Brownies and Board Games
4 p.m., February 21
North Bend Library
Attention teens, do you enjoy board games and have the occasional sweet tooth? The North Bend Public Library is hosting a Brownies and Board Games event for ages 13-18. Cure your sugar craving and play some of your favorite games! All games and refreshments will be provided. For more information, visit www.northbendlibrary.org or call (541) 756-0400.
Nature Movie: Octopus Contact
1-2 pm,
February 24th
South Slough
Nature Movie: Octopus Contact February 24 (1-2 p.m.) Come learn about what is new in the world of octopus research as NATURE follows the story of an octopus named “Heidi” and her evolving relationship with a passionate marine biologist and his teenage daughter. Popcorn and light refreshments provided. (Free).
Guided Nature Hike
2-4 pm,
February 24th
South Slough
Guided Nature Hike February 24 (2-4 p.m.) Join us after the film for a chance to stretch your legs and explore the flora and fauna of the Reserve. The 1.5-mile loop is well maintained and relatively flat. (Free).
Birding at Millicoma Marsh Trail
February 28th
South Slough
Birding at Millicoma Marsh Trail January 17 & February 28 (10-12:00 p.m.) Come enjoy great views of the bay and one of the best birding spots in Coos County. Interpreter, binoculars and spotting scopes provided. Dress for the weather. Meet in the parking lot directly behind Millicoma Intermediate School on 4th Ave. [Max — 15 participants] FREE
Pigs on the Wing: A Pink Floyd Retrospective
7 pm, April 26th
Egyptian Theatre
Pigs on the Wing’s 2023-2024 tour, “A Pink Floyd Retrospective”, will feature a meticulously curated collection of the very best of classic-era Pink Floyd cuts organized into 2 distinct sets. Rather than performing a single album from start to end, expect to hear the band focus on their favorite sections of the classic albums, including hits, deep cuts, and the band’s trademark willingness to explore the sonic space in experimental improvisation. Fans can expect an immersive visual show in a don’t-miss event for any Pink Floyd fan! From its garage-rock roots in 2006 as a one-off show, to full album productions and performing for thousands of fans each year, Portland Oregon based Pigs on the Wing have built a loyal following dedicated to the band’s high energy take on Pink Floyd’s music. All members of Pigs on the Wing are seasoned veterans of the Pacific NW rock scene and are unapologetic in bringing their wide-ranging musical influences to the table. Setting the band aside from other tribute rock acts, Pigs on the Wing balance a decidedly un-tribute-like attitude towards the music with precision to detail and a deep understanding of the importance of Pink Floyd’s music in many fans’ lives. TICKETS: Pigs on the Wing — A Pink Floyd Retrospective: Tour 2024 Tickets, Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM — Eventbrite
Circle Jam
1-3pm February 17
Old Fellows Hall
The Oregon Oldtime Fiddlers, District 5, will be hosting an acoustic circle jam at the Odd Fellows Hall, 88848 Hwy 42S from 1-3 PM on February 17th, Saturday. Public invited free of charge, coffee and refreshments, too. The Oldtime Fiddlers play and sing a wide variety of music, mostly from times past that you will probably recognize. If anyone would like to join in singing and/or playing a stringed instrument, please come, and otherwise just come and listen. There’s plenty of parking and the hall is on 42S on the right soon after the intersection of Hwy 101 and 42S in Bandon. For more information please call 541 572 5532 or 541 404 2493.