Warren County Schools Calendar Ky
Three county schools subject of state-mandated improvement plans
Three schools in the Warren County School District – Warren Area Elementary Center, Sheffield Are Middle High School and Warren Area High School – will be implementing target improvement plans for certain populations.
Eric Mineweaser, WCSD Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, told the board this week that WAEC was included due to scores for economically disadvantaged students; WAHS due to the performance of students with disabilities and economically disadvantaged and Sheffield due to performance of students with disabilities.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the “Targeted Support and Improvement” designation is the least severe of three tiers. TSI schools are identified where “performance by one or more student groups is at or below state-established standards.”
“We will still come up with a school improvement plan,” he said, a process which starts this month and requires “action planning and goal setting.”
Board member Tammi Holden asked how the transition of Sheffield students to Warren for part of their day impacts this.
Mineweaser said the data on which these determinations were made is from two years ago. It’ll be next year before the plans are implemented.
He said planning would take place for students at both Warren and Sheffield.
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