Wake County Nc Year Round Calendar
WCSD adopts Modified Year-Round Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year

Williamsburg County School District is pleased to announce the adoption of a Modified Year-Round Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. The South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 59, Chapter 1, Section 59-1-425 outlines school calendar requirements for all school districts. Those requirements are as follows:
• The school term must be 190 days annually.
• 180 of those days must be instruction-based.
• The calendar must cover at least nine months.
• School districts cannot start the school year before the third Monday in August. This provision is waived if districts elect to implement a Modified Year-Round Calendar.
The 10 Staff Professional Development days must be broken down into the following categories:
• Three days must be used for Collegial Professional Development based upon the educational standards as required by Section 59-18-300. The professional development must address, at a minimum, academic achievement standard, including strengthening teachers’ knowledge in their content area, teaching techniques, and assessments.
• No more than two days may be used as preparation for the opening of schools.
• The remaining five days may be used for teacher planning, academic plans, and parent conferences.
• Three school makeup days must be built into calendars for bad weather.
• Williamsburg County School District is now identified as an eLearning District, which allows us to use eLearning on inclement weather days.
• Williamsburg County School District is still required to schedule three inclement weather days in our Academic Calendar.
• Per Section 59-1-370, all public schools shall be closed on Election Day in November of each even numbered year.
1. What is the difference between a year-round and a Modified Year-round Calendar?
A Modified Year-round Calendar is NOT a traditional year-round calendar. Traditional Year-round calendars have an increased number of mandatory attendance days. With a Modified Year-Round Calendar, the number of school days stays the same (180 days for schools in South Carolina). Traditional Calendars and Modified Year-Round Calendars are different based on when breaks occur.