Reverse Advent Calendar Food Bank
Witney foodbank boosts Xmas donations with Reverse Advent Calendar
Rather than taking something out every day as with an ordinary advent calender, Witney Foodbank have been encouraging people to give something away instead.

It is part of a nationwide initiative from Trussell Trust during the season of giving.
The calendar has been printed out and sent to individuals, schools, churches and businesses.

Volunteer Jade Gorrod from Witney Foodbank said: “People can join in by requesting a calendar to be sent via email or they can get a paper copy from our foodbank or they can follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we are posting what we need daily.
“Everything we’ve put on our calendar are suggested items, so feel free to choose whatever you want to donate and it doesn’t have to be a specific brand either.
“We just ask that it’s not fresh food or alcohol!”
The final day on the calendar is Friday November 25 at which point there are a few ways to donate.
You can either put donations in a bag and drop it into one of the donation locations at Waitrose, CO-OP, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Corn Exchange Café or Asda in Carterton.
Or you can drop it off at the foodbank which is open Monday – Friday, 10am to 1pm.
If you give notice, someone will also be there to receive donations on Wednesday evening between 5pm and 6.30pm.
Witney Foodbank is at Cottsway House, Hanyes Place, Witney. Call 07949 442342.