calendar 2024

2024 Calendar Month By Month

Carowinds Returns To Traditional Seasonal Calendar In 2024 “); $spagination = flexSlider.find(“.spagination”); SPagination.Init($spagination.get( 0 ), { size: slide_obj.count, // pages size page: 1, // selected page step: 3, // pages before and after current cb: function(p){ flexSlider.flexAnimate(p-1, true); } }); } } } function gtx_gallery_slide_before(slide_obj){ var slide=slide_obj.animatingTo; $active_slide=$all_slides.eq(slide) ; slideshow_ad_loaded = false; var current_html = $active_slide.children(“.gtx-ad-container”).html(); if (current_html) {$active_slide.children(“.gtx-ad-container”).html(current_html.trim())} gtx_track_slide( slide_obj ); changeURL(parseInt($active_slide.attr(“data-attachment_id”))); //THUMBS SYNC – PAGINATED THUMBNAIL NAVIGATION if($thumbs!==”” && navigation == “paginated_thumbs”){ var right_item=$slider.find(“.slides li[data-i=”+(slide +1 )+”]”).attr(“data-i-only-pics”) if( right_item!= “”){ $thumbs.find(“li.gtx-thumb-img”).removeClass(“flex-active-slide”); 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$thumbs.find(“li.gtx-thumb-img”).eq(right_item -1 ).addClass(“flex-active-slide”); $thumbs.flexAnimate(right_item-1, true); } } if(typeof(googletag) != “undefined” && googletag !== null && googletag.pubads){ // Refresh ads within view var tmp_now=new Date().getTime(); var last_refresh_diff= tmp_now – last_ad_refresh; if(last_refresh_diff > 1000){ reset_ads_and_refresh(); last_ad_refresh=tmp_now; } } //LAZY LOAD range=5; var $slides_to_hanle=$all_slides.slice(slide, slide + range +1); if(slide – range >= 0){ $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(slide – range, slide )); }else{ $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(0, range )); $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(range * -1 )); } if(slide + range >= $all_slides.size()){ //handle first slides $slides_to_hanle= $.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_slides.slice(0,range)); } $slides_to_hanle.find(“.gtx-image-container[data-background]”).each(function () { var src = $(this).attr(“data-background”); 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var slotWidth = adSlot.tn_width; var slotHeight = adSlot.tn_height; var slotX = adSlot.tn_positionX; var slotY = adSlot.tn_positionY; $(‘#’+slotId).css({minHeight: slotHeight+’px’, minWidth: slotWidth+’px’}); var sizeMappingVar = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([0, 9999999], [slotWidth, slotHeight]).build() googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.destroySlots([adSlot]); }) googletag.cmd.push(function() { var newAdSlot = googletag.defineSlot( slotName, [slotWidth, slotHeight], slotId ).defineSizeMapping( sizeMappingVar ).addService( googletag.pubads() ); if(targeting){ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(targeting)) { newAdSlot.setTargeting(`${key}`, `${value}`); } } newAdSlot.tn_positionX = slotX; newAdSlot.tn_positionY = slotY; newAdSlot.tn_width = slotWidth; newAdSlot.tn_height = slotHeight; newAds.push(newAdSlot); fullAdsToRefresh.push(newAdSlot); }); } //refresh all ads with new defined slots googletag.pubads().refresh(newAds); ads_to_refresh = fullAdsToRefresh; } var ads_to_refresh = []; // set the ads we wish to refresh function set_ads_to_refresh(){ var checkingAdsInVew = false; if (typeof googletag === ‘object’ && typeof googletag.pubads === ‘function’){ googletag.pubads().addEventListener(‘impressionViewable’, function(event) { // Out-of-page ads are not eligible for refresh if(event.slot.getOutOfPage() === true){ return false; } var slotWidth = $(‘#’+event.slot.getSlotElementId() + ‘ iframe’).width(); var slotHeight = $(‘#’+event.slot.getSlotElementId() + ‘ iframe’).height(); event.slot.tn_positionX = $(‘#’+event.slot.getSlotElementId()).offset().left; event.slot.tn_positionY = $(‘#’+event.slot.getSlotElementId()).offset().top; event.slot.tn_width = slotWidth; event.slot.tn_height = slotHeight; if(ads_to_refresh.indexOf(event.slot) < 0){ ads_to_refresh.push(event.slot) } }); } } function ad_is_in_view(slot){ var wTop = $(window).scrollTop(); return slot.tn_positionY > wTop && slot.tn_positionY < $(window).height() + wTop; } $(window).load(function(){ set_ads_to_refresh(); }) function gtx_gallery_thumbs_set_backwards(){ backward_pos = $thumbs.find(“.gtx-thumb-backward”).position().left; backward_width = $thumbs.find(“.gtx-thumb-backward”).width(); backward_right_pos = backward_pos + backward_width; container_width = $thumbs.find(“.flex-viewport”).width(); fully_visible = backward_right_pos < container_width; partially_visible = (backward_right_pos – container_width) < backward_width/3; if(partially_visible){ $thumbs.find(“.flex-next”).hide(0); }else{ $thumbs.find(“.flex-next”).show(); } } function gtx_gallery_thumbs_before(slide_obj){ if(slide_obj.count > 8){ gtx_gallery_thumbs_set_backwards() } } function gtx_gallery_thumbs_after(slide_obj){ if(slide_obj.count > 8){ gtx_gallery_thumbs_set_backwards() } } function gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_start(slide_obj){ gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_lazy(); if(false && slide_obj.count > 8){ $thumbs.find(“.flex-control-nav.flex-control-paging”).removeClass(“flex-control-paging”).addClass(“g-pagination”); } if(slide_obj.count > 8){ $thumbs.find(“.flex-control-nav.flex-control-paging”).hide().after(“”); $pagination = $thumbs.find(“.spagination”); SPagination.Init($pagination.get( 0 ), { size: slide_obj.count, // pages size page: 1, // selected page step: 3, // pages before and after current cb: function(p){ $thumbs.flexAnimate(p-1, true); } }); } } function gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_before(slide_obj){ var slide=(typeof slide_obj == “object” && slide_obj.animatingTo ? slide_obj.animatingTo : 0); gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_lazy(slide_obj); } function gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_after(slide_obj){ var slide=(typeof slide_obj == “object” && slide_obj.animatingTo ? slide_obj.animatingTo : 0); //THUMBS SYNC – Go to first slide of this batch if($thumbs!==”” && navigation == “paginated_thumbs”){ var $active_slide=$slider.find(“.slides>li.flex-active-slide”); var $active_thumb_page=$thumbs.find(“.slides>li.flex-active-slide”); //Check if the current slide is within this thumb batch if(!$active_thumb_page.find(“li[data-i=”+$active_slide.attr(“data-i”)+”]”).size()){ first_thumb=$active_thumb_page.find(“li”).first().attr(“data-i”); flexSlider.flexAnimate(first_thumb – 1, true); } } if( typeof SPagination !== “undefined” && $thumbs.find(“.spagination”).length>0 ){ if( != slide+1){ = slide + 1; SPagination.Start(); } } } function gtx_gallery_paginated_thumbs_lazy(slide_obj){ var slide=(typeof slide_obj == “object” && slide_obj.animatingTo ? slide_obj.animatingTo : 0); //LAZY LOAD THUMBS if($all_thumbs!==”” && navigation == “paginated_thumbs”){ range=1; var $slides_to_hanle=$all_thumbs.slice(slide, slide + range + 1); if(slide – range >= 0){ $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_thumbs.slice(slide – range, slide )); }else{ $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_thumbs.slice(0, range )); $slides_to_hanle=$.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_thumbs.slice(range * -1 )); } if(slide + range >= $all_thumbs.size()){ //handle first slides $slides_to_hanle= $.merge($slides_to_hanle, $all_thumbs.slice(0,range)); } $slides_to_hanle.each(function () { $(this).find(“img[lazy-src]”).each(function () { var src = $(this).attr(“lazy-src”); if(!src) return; $(this).attr(“src”,src).removeAttr(“lazy-src”); $thumbs.find(“img[lazy-src=””+src+””]”).attr(“src”,src).removeAttr(“lazy-src”); }); }); } } function adjustNavHeight(){ imageHeight = flexSlider.find(“.gtx-slide-img.flex-active-slide .gtx-image-container”).outerHeight(); if(imageHeight > 0){ flexSlider.find(“.flex-prev,.flex-next”).css(“top”,Math.round(imageHeight/2)); } } var nextSlotId = 1; function generateNextSlotName() { var id = nextSlotId++; return “adslot_” + id+”_”+Math.floor( / 1000 ); } function addAdInto(selector,options) { try{ gtx_gallery_enable_dfp(); }catch(err) { } var slide=options.slide || -1; var slotName = generateNextSlotName(); var ad_index = 0; // Create a div for the slot var slotDiv = document.createElement(‘div’); = slotName; // Id must be the same as slotName $( selector ).append( slotDiv ); try{ ad_index=$( selector ).closest(“.gtx-ad-slide”).attr(“data-i-only-ads”); }catch(err) { } // Define the slot itself, call display() to // register the div and refresh() to fetch ad. googletag.cmd.push(function() { slideshow_ad_loaded = true; adslots[slotName] = googletag.defineSlot(‘/132916964,50847294/’, [300, 250], slotName) .addService(googletag.pubads()) .setTargeting(“placement”, “gallery”) .setTargeting(“slide”, slide) .setTargeting(“post”, ‘1753977’) .setTargeting(“category”, ‘[“active-alert”,”local-news”,”newsphotos”,”news”,”north-carolina-news”,”photos”,”south-carolina-news”,”top-story”,”top-stories”]’) .setTargeting(“galleryAdIndex”, ad_index); googletag.display(slotName); googletag.sizeMapping().addSize( [0,0], [[300,250]]) googletag.pubads().refresh([adslots[slotName]]); }); } gtx_gallery_syncHash = function(path){ pic = “”; re = /pic/?([0-9]+)/?$/i; if(!path && window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(re)) path = window.location.hash; if(!path && window.location.pathname && window.location.pathname.match(re)) path = window.location.pathname; if(path){ matchslide = path.match(re); if(matchslide && matchslide[1]>0){ pic = parseInt(matchslide[1]); } if(!isNaN(pic) && pic > 0){ slide=get_slide_by_attachment_id(pic); if(slide>0){ avoid_next_pageview = true; flexSlider.flexAnimate(slide – 1, true); } } }else{ gtx_track_slide( ) } } function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; // delay the url state replacement to avoid overload // RAYOS-271 var efficientlyReplaceState = debounce(function(title, path){ window.history.replaceState({}, title, path); }, 1250) function changeURL(pic){ basepath = window.location.pathname.replace(//pic/?([0-9]+)/?$/i,”/”); if(isNaN(pic)) return; path = basepath + “pic/”+pic+”/”; title = “Pic “+pic; if (typeof(window.history.replaceState) == “function”) { efficientlyReplaceState(title, path) } else { window.location.hash = path; } } function get_slide_by_attachment_id(id){ var slide=$slider.find(“.slides li[data-attachment_id=”+id+”]”).attr(“data-i”); return parseInt(slide, 10); } function gtx_track_slide( slide_obj ){ if(slide_obj){ var slide = slide_obj.animatingTo; }else{ var slide = 0; } $active_slide=$all_slides.eq(slide) ; if(!avoid_next_pageview){ try{ var loc = location.pathname + “#slide” + (parseInt(slide) + 1); if (rayos_gtm_gallery_pageviews) { // Add gallery navigation info to dataLayer window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ ‘event’: ‘rayos_virtual_pageview’, ‘location’ : loc }); } // Legacy support for GA tracking ga(“send”, “pageview”, loc); if (ga.getByName(“gtxcelTracker”)) { ga(“gtxcelTracker.send”, “pageview”, loc); } }catch(err){ } } avoid_next_pageview = false; } //Add a callback on ad render googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.pubads().addEventListener(‘slotRenderEnded’, function(event) { var slotName=event.slot.getSlotElementId(); if(typeof adslots[slotName] !==”undefined” && !event.isEmpty){ $slider.clearQueue(); $slider.removeClass(“gtx-gallery-loading”); } }); }); jQuery(“#gtx-gallery-thumbs-1753977”).flexslider({ animation: “slide”, controlNav: false, animationLoop: false, slideshow: false, itemWidth: 75, itemMargin: 5, move: 1, //asNavFor: “#gtx-gallery-slider-1753977”, prevText: “”, nextText: “”, after: gtx_gallery_thumbs_after, after: gtx_gallery_thumbs_before }); $thumbs=$(“#gtx-gallery-thumbs-1753977”).data(“flexslider”); $thumbs.find(“li.gtx-thumb-img”).first( ).addClass(“flex-active-slide”); $(“#gtx-gallery-slider-1753977”).flexslider({ animation: “slide”, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: false, //animationLoop: false, //slideshow: false, //sync: “#gtx-gallery-thumbs-1753977”, prevText: “”, nextText: “”, slideshow: false, init: gtx_gallery_slide_init, start: gtx_gallery_slide_start, before: gtx_gallery_slide_before, after: gtx_gallery_slide_after }); if(mobile_mode){ $slider.find(“.flex-direction-nav”).hide(); } });

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – After one year of being open year-round, Carowinds will return to a traditional seasonal operating calendar in 2024.

Monthly calendar of year . Week starts on Sunday

Carowinds, the nation’s only amusement park straddling two states, plans to close for the rest of the winter season following WinterFest with plans of re-opening on March 9th, 2024.

A Carowinds spokesperson provided the following statement:

Printable January  Calendar: Plan Your Month Efficiently

“In 2024, Carowinds is returning to our traditional seasonal operating calendar, opening on March 9, 2024. This change was driven by many factors and enables us to maintain our commitment to delivering outstanding experiences for our guests.”

“We constantly seek fresh ways to provide our guests with unforgettable experiences and lasting memories. Our dedication to ongoing improvement frequently involves experimenting with new concepts and schedules. We use these lessons to enhance the quality of our products and guest experiences. We look forward to welcoming our guests for the 2024 season on opening day, March 9, 2024.”

Free Printable  Blank Calendar Templates (All  Months)

“Season pass holders will continue to enjoy the same benefits. At Carowinds, we deeply appreciate our season pass holders and are dedicated to offering them the highest value and guest experience possible.”

“Seasonal events like SCarowinds, and WinterFest will proceed as scheduled. The park will continue to explore ways to elevate these experiences for guests throughout the year.”

Free Download Printable Calendar , large font design

WinterFest begins running on select nights from November 17th, 2023 until January 1st, 2024.

Back in October of 2022, Carowinds announced a year-round operation schedule, beginning on January 1st, 2023 that introduced additional weekends in January, February and early March to the schedule.